Saturday, June 30, 2012


Eric would love to give you his take on players this year at Wimbledon....stop by, have a beer and discuss the 'baseline' game being played...
We have Direct T.V. and 3 televisions now so stop by - bring your stick...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Donnay Racquets at Hardcore Tennis Atlanta

We have the current Donnay racquets in to Demo - so come on in to try them out
X-Dual Silver 99
X-P-Dual 102
X-Dual Silver Lite 99
X-Dual Gold 99

Saturday, June 9, 2012

ATHLETIC DNA now at Hardcore Tennis Atlanta:

We have waited as long as we can for more DIADORA apparel - (word is 2013) so we went with men's apparel we are most impressed with, and that our customers would desire: Come feel it, try it on...